The Doctor and Sarah arrive at what appears to be the village of Devesham, near a space centre where UNIT are currently based helping in the recovery of long missing astronaut Guy Crayford, who's returning from deep space (at least I'm assuming that's why UNIT are there - is it ever properly explained?). But the village is near deserted, and the people they do see are acting very strangely, and there's various hints that all is not right (all the coins they find are minted in the same year, a calendar only has one date over and over). The TARDIS team get split up after a attack by androids with motorcycle helmet heads and guns in their fingertips. The Doctor finds that Crayford is present in the space centre working with an alien race called Kraals who are creating androids copies of humans, including Harry and Sergeant Benton. Sarah makes her way back to the TARDIS, but sees the unmanned ship dematerialise and leave without her. Despite encountering android copies of each other, the real Doctor and Sarah are eventually reunited and realise that they are not on Earth, but are on the Kraal's planet: the village and space centre have been copied too, to act as a training ground for the androids.
Crayford, who has been brainwashed by Styggron, leader of the Kraals, is going to return to Earth in his spacecraft as a diversion, and the android copies will be shot to Earth in pods to aid the take over. The Kraals also plan to use a virus to wipe out all life on Earth (this doesn't make sense 100% but it's contractual that Terry Nation scripts must include a virus that wipes out all life). The Doctor and Sarah hitch a ride with the invasion fleet, and are shot towards Earth. Using the android version of himself to bamboozle his enemies, the Doctor stops the invasion. Crayford gets killed and Styggron falls foul of his own virus. The Doctor doesn't say a proper goodbye to Harry or Benton whom he'll never see again, and he and Sarah go off adventuring in the TARDIS once more.
Crayford, who has been brainwashed by Styggron, leader of the Kraals, is going to return to Earth in his spacecraft as a diversion, and the android copies will be shot to Earth in pods to aid the take over. The Kraals also plan to use a virus to wipe out all life on Earth (this doesn't make sense 100% but it's contractual that Terry Nation scripts must include a virus that wipes out all life). The Doctor and Sarah hitch a ride with the invasion fleet, and are shot towards Earth. Using the android version of himself to bamboozle his enemies, the Doctor stops the invasion. Crayford gets killed and Styggron falls foul of his own virus. The Doctor doesn't say a proper goodbye to Harry or Benton whom he'll never see again, and he and Sarah go off adventuring in the TARDIS once more.
This is a first for the blog I think. Started off watching part 1 (from the DVD) with all the children (boys of 13 and 10, girl of 7), but the Better Half entered towards the end of the episode and was intrigued, believing she'd never seen this particular story before. So, we had to repeat the experience a few days later, watching the first episode again, but amazingly, all the children re-joined us second-time round, and with just as much enthusiasm as first time. Thereafter, the family watched the remaining episodes on occasional evenings over the course of a week approximately. I made an effort to increase the mystery by not telling the kids anything about the story, and blocking the screen when the title came up at the start of the first episode. But on seeing the very first moments of action as the twitchy UNIT soldier walks straight toward camera, the youngest said "That's not a real person", and the middle child said "Yes, it's a robot". So, perhaps a longstanding criticism of this story - that its prosaic title gives too much away - is unfair, as it's clear the story is intending its audience to be clued in from the off. Everyone very much enjoyed this story, including me, which I have to say was a surprise as its reputation is of being under par - more on that in a moment.
First time round:
First time round:

This story comes from a period that to many fans is the golden age of Doctor Who: Tom Baker as the bescarfed Doctor - cheeky but commanding, and now fully settled in after his first year - travelling the universe with Sarah Jane Smith, righting wrongs. When they both step out in part one of his story, they do look amazing on screen together, and the chemistry between them makes them one of the most iconic of teams to ever helm the TARDIS. This particular story, though, is not necessarily as well regarded. The stories either side of The Android Invasion as originally broadcast, Pyramids of Mars and The Brain of Morbius, were the second and third Doctor Who VHS releases ever, coming out in the mid 1980s, a period when BBC Video had decided that stories where Tom Baker righted wrongs, usually accompanied by Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane, were what the public wanted. Why is it that The Android Invasion never comes near the top of any polls, is never included in the list of classics from this era, and did not see the light of day on tape until 10 years later?
One theory is that the story's undermined by any mystery regarding the antagonist being blown by the title. Writer Terry Nation has form in this regard, with all his 1970s stories featuring his creations, Skaro's finest, named in the giveaway "Something of the Daleks" format. But here, the mystery of the story is clearly not intended to be that androids feature, which is confirmed early on (and is obvious from the first moments if my children's reactions - see above - are anything to go by). The real mystery is about the village, and the odd clues found there; the big reveal is that the TARDIS has landed on an alien planet and not the sleepy English countryside at all. And that mystery and that reveal are a perfect fit for the audience of Doctor Who, particularly the younger ones, to enjoy. The scenes of the eerie deserted streets and buildings of Devesham are great, and the moments of all the impassive robotic villagers are pretty creepy. The similarly blank-faced motorcycle helmet androids are visually arresting too, and the finger guns are a nice touch, easy for kids to emulate in the playground. Tom Baker gets to gently tease the concept - "Is that finger loaded?" - without undermining it. The Kraals look good, though there's only two of them. Nation unshackled from having to deliver yet another Dalek story has produced some good work. Overall, the story's got a lot going for it.
Perhaps the story is overlooked because it is something of a throwback. The presence of UNIT regulars, and the direction of Barry Letts (producer of the stories of Tom Baker's predecessor as the Doctor, Jon Pertwee) means it is quite backward looking at a point where the show was striding out into new territory. In the later years of Pertwee's time, with the narrative reason given that the Doctor's freedom to travel in time and space had been returned to him, the Earthbound stories where the Doctor worked with UNIT were being gradually reduced in number, and fewer and fewer of the previous ensemble cast of regulars were appearing in them. Letts' successor as producer Philip Hinchcliffe seemed happy not to make major changes to the format, but it seems clear that the stories that travelled the universe were the priority and nobody's heart was fully in making more old school tales. This is the second UNIT story of Hinchcliffe's producer-ship and arguably the last (the later story The Seeds of Doom is nominally a UNIT one, but contains no returning regular cast, and the soldiers in it, who only arrive towards the end of the story, could be any fighting force).
It's such a shame that the Brigadier gets no proper send-off, and instead is represented by an empty office with his name on it occupied by a hastily cut-and-pasted in replacement. Actor Nicholas Courtney wasn't available for The Android Invasion, and instead the crudely similar but nuance-free character of Colonel Faraday appears (who coincidentally seems to be performed almost exactly like Peter Glaze's take-off of the Brig in the Crackerjack Who pastiche skit "Hallo my Dalek" which aired a few months before The Android Invasion was broadcast). Being available and in the show doesn't protect a character from having a rubbish send-off either. Ian Marter as Harry Sullivan and John Levene as Sergeant Benton both appear, but don't have much to do, certainly no big heroics, in their final outings, and disappear by the end quite abruptly. Of course, it was likely that nobody necessarily thought they were going to be their final outings at the time. This isn't that big a deal, and certainly is no explanation for why this serial is undervalued, it's just a shame, that's all. The best inclusion from the previous era is Letts himself, who manages some impressive material here, particularly the generous amount of film used, but also some subtle use of green-screen to make things look more expensive and expansive than the budget allowed.
One final stick that's often used to beat The Android Invasion is the ridiculousness of the Crayford eyepatch subplot. Milton Johns, in one of his many Doctor Who appearances, plays Crayford as earnestly grateful for the rebuilding of his broken body after his rescue by the Kraals from his spacecraft crash. The only part of him that could not be reconstructed is his eye, covered with an eyepatch until near the end. There is, though, nothing wrong with Crayford. People think it stretches credibility that he hasn't checked at any point to see if his eye still works - but the script clearly states that he's been brainwashed. That's not to say there isn't silliness in the plot, but for some reason the focus is on the eyepatch when in fact it's everything else that doesn't make sense. Styggron's plan is to distract Earth with the return of a missing astronaut, and fire androids to Earth in pods to take over in key positions. But his plan is also to destroy all humans with a virus. He really doesn't need both plans, and they conflict with one another. If the pods containing androids will just be mistaken for meteorites, then why does he need the misdirection of Crayford's return? He could just fire the pods to Earth without putting monitoring on alert for a returning spacecraft - which could, after all, endanger the plan - freeing him up to be able to kill the weak link that is Crayford. Or, assuming he needs a ship to get close enough to launch the pods, then why not just make an android copy of Crayford to pilot the ship and speak to mission control? It would be more efficient than brainwashing, and the technology clearly exists to make it happen. Then, if he could use all his supposed Kraal genius to work out a way to just shoot the virus to Earth in the pods, he could cut out the need for any other androids, and all that faff training them up for so long. Evil geniuses, they never learn: keep it simple.
One theory is that the story's undermined by any mystery regarding the antagonist being blown by the title. Writer Terry Nation has form in this regard, with all his 1970s stories featuring his creations, Skaro's finest, named in the giveaway "Something of the Daleks" format. But here, the mystery of the story is clearly not intended to be that androids feature, which is confirmed early on (and is obvious from the first moments if my children's reactions - see above - are anything to go by). The real mystery is about the village, and the odd clues found there; the big reveal is that the TARDIS has landed on an alien planet and not the sleepy English countryside at all. And that mystery and that reveal are a perfect fit for the audience of Doctor Who, particularly the younger ones, to enjoy. The scenes of the eerie deserted streets and buildings of Devesham are great, and the moments of all the impassive robotic villagers are pretty creepy. The similarly blank-faced motorcycle helmet androids are visually arresting too, and the finger guns are a nice touch, easy for kids to emulate in the playground. Tom Baker gets to gently tease the concept - "Is that finger loaded?" - without undermining it. The Kraals look good, though there's only two of them. Nation unshackled from having to deliver yet another Dalek story has produced some good work. Overall, the story's got a lot going for it.
Perhaps the story is overlooked because it is something of a throwback. The presence of UNIT regulars, and the direction of Barry Letts (producer of the stories of Tom Baker's predecessor as the Doctor, Jon Pertwee) means it is quite backward looking at a point where the show was striding out into new territory. In the later years of Pertwee's time, with the narrative reason given that the Doctor's freedom to travel in time and space had been returned to him, the Earthbound stories where the Doctor worked with UNIT were being gradually reduced in number, and fewer and fewer of the previous ensemble cast of regulars were appearing in them. Letts' successor as producer Philip Hinchcliffe seemed happy not to make major changes to the format, but it seems clear that the stories that travelled the universe were the priority and nobody's heart was fully in making more old school tales. This is the second UNIT story of Hinchcliffe's producer-ship and arguably the last (the later story The Seeds of Doom is nominally a UNIT one, but contains no returning regular cast, and the soldiers in it, who only arrive towards the end of the story, could be any fighting force).

The Android Invasion and The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone both feature a Doctor travelling with a single female companion, plus the inclusion of a semi-regular character first introduced with a previous Doctor.
Deeper Thoughts:

Doctor Who loves a doppelgänger (oh yes, of course, I forgot the Gangers from The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People, I knew there were more!). There's a few obvious reasons why; it allows a regular actor to play someone different, and usually evil, to demonstrate their range, or prevent them getting bored. In the early days, this didn't require much plot reconciliation beyond just throwing in a massive coincidence. William Hartnell got to play his double the Abbot of Amboise in The Massacre, and Patrick Troughton Salamander in The Enemy of the World, with no need for any clever trickery on anyone's part; the characters just happened to look exactly like their respective Doctors. By the time of later original series examples - Tom Baker as Meglos, Peter Davison as Omega - this clearly wouldn't wash, so some technobabble about copying body prints or some-such was tossed in. 21st century Doctor Who allowed its star to flex his acting muscles only a couple of times, with Matt Smith playing a copy of the Doctor in the aforementioned Ganger episodes, and David Tennant becoming two subtley different versions of the Doctor in Journey's End. Tennant memorably also got to play John Smith, a completely different character, in Human Nature / The Family of Blood. But, as both characters occupy the same body in that story it's not quite the same, and is more like a character possessed (another trope Doctor Who loves to do) than a dopplegänger situation.

In Summary:
Unfairly overlooked - this is a lot of (silly) fun.
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